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Why do dogs howl?

Warum jaulen Hunde?

Dogs communicate in many ways. In addition to their body language, they also use various vocalisations, which include barking and growling as well as yelping. What your four-legged friend is trying to tell you and what you can do if your dog howls very often are explained below.

Yelping is a normal part of dog language

First of all, you should know that yelping is a normal part of the dog's language. So it is nothing unusual for your four-legged friend to express himself in this way. However, it is not possible to make a general statement about the meaning of a dog's yelp in individual cases.

If your dog howls, the following reasons, in particular, are possible:

  • Loneliness
  • Fear
  • Pain
  • Joy
  • Frustration
  • Territorial behaviour
  • A bitch in heat (for males)

Loneliness as a cause of howling in dogs

Dogs are pack animals. Accordingly, they usually do not like to be left alone. With a little practice, most four-legged friends can get used to being left alone quite well. However, some dogs howl all day long when they are left alone.

Dogs howl out of fear

Besides loneliness, fear can also cause dogs to howl. If your four-legged friend is afraid of something, you will notice this not only in his whining but also in his body language. As a rule, a fearful dog will duck down to appear as small as possible. He will also tuck his tail between his hind legs.

Pain as a trigger for howling in dogs

Pain is another possible cause that you may need to consider as a trigger for your dog's howling. For example, if your four-legged friend suddenly howls loudly while eating his dry food, he may have a toothache. If, on the other hand, he suddenly howls while you are romping around with him, this may well indicate an injury or joint problems such as osteoarthritis in your dog.

Dogs howl with joy

Of course, your dog's yelp does not always have to have a negative trigger. It may well be that your four-legged friend expresses himself in this way because he is joyfully excited. For example, if your dog yips and whines when you greet him, he is probably just happy that you are back.

Frustration as a trigger for howling in dogs

Sometimes dogs howl because they are frustrated about something. Maybe your four-legged friend is annoyed that you don't give him anything at the barbecue or that he doesn't get a dog treat from you. In this case, he wants to let you know his displeasure by howling.

Howling in dogs as part of territorial behaviour

When dogs yelp or howl, this can partly be territorial behaviour. Similar to setting scent marks, the vocalisations, in this case, serve them to claim their territory. When several animals are together, it can often be observed that the other dogs join in and also start howling to show that they belong to the pack.

When males howl because of bitches in heat

There is probably hardly anything more tempting for sexually mature male dogs than a bitch in heat. If your four-legged friend suddenly howls or whines when you go for a walk and you can't think of any other reason for it, it may well be that your dog has picked up the scent of a bitch ready to mate.

Can you break a dog's yelp habit?

Howling is part of the dog's language and is, therefore, something quite normal, to begin with. However, it can be quite annoying when a dog howls all day long.

If this behaviour occurs suddenly, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian first. Because, as I said, it is quite possible that the howling and whining of the four-legged friend indicate physical pain. 

If physical causes such as injuries or joint diseases can be ruled out, the reason for constant howling in dogs is very often to be found in mistakes in the education of the animals.

In this case, targeted behavioural training can help. If you need help with this, it is best to contact an experienced dog trainer. They will quickly recognise where you can start and give you tips on how to deal with your four-legged friend.

Do not punish your dog

Even if you feel disturbed by your dog's loud howling, you must never punish your four-legged friend for it. This will only cause additional frustration and even more insecurity. 

Instead, try to find out the cause of your dog's constant howling and whining and try to counteract it. After all, your four-legged friend does not mean any harm and is certainly not trying to annoy you with his howling.

Dogs howling - our conclusion on the subject

As you can see, there can be several reasons why dogs howl. Most of the time, the howling has a harmless cause and only happens occasionally, so you don't need to worry about it any further.

However, if you suspect that your dog is howling in pain, you should have your four-legged friend examined and treated by a vet as soon as possible. On the other hand, if your dog howls or whines frequently without any physical cause, targeted training will help, for which you can also enlist the help of a dog trainer if necessary.

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